One of the questions that comes up most often when a person requests the agency PROCAP DETECTIVE is how will be treated his case.
As a licensed agency operating in the field of investigation since 2012, PROCAP DETECTIVE has bet on methodology and rigor. From the initial interview to the delivery of the final report, PROCAP DETECTIVE ensures a structured, methodical approach, which allows the client to assess the evolution of his business at any time, to identify the key steps, and above all, to have the guarantee of an optimal follow-up of its project.
If you are wondering about the progress of an investigation process by a private detective, PROCAP DETECTIVE offers, in this article, to present you the different steps that mark the processing of a case, from the first contact until the delivery of the final report and closure of the file.
Step n°1
Application analysis and development of an investigation plan

Demand analysis
First of all, during our first contact, we take the time to listen to you and carefully analyze your request. To do this, we meet you, according to your choice, at our agency in Toulon, at your home, in your premises or in a neutral place. If necessary and depending on the urgency of your case but also on your availability, a telephone interview or videoconference could be enough to trigger investigations.
On this occasion, we collect your information, contextualize it, and define with precision the legal contours of your problem (legal framework in fact, law and procedure, your needs in terms of evidence, etc.). At PROCAP DETECTIVE, we welcome by appointment from Monday to Saturday, but we can of course travel anywhere to meet you and discuss your needs. If you are accompanied by a lawyer, we may be in contact with him to discuss your procedure and thus collaborate synergistically to the success of your case.
The application analysis stage is a crucial moment, because it will depend on identifying your probationary needs, determining the legal framework of your case, developing an investigation strategy, evaluating the means and estimating the cost of the project. We advise you, during our interview, to be as detailed and transparent as possible, this allows us to have all the cards in hand to submit the most suitable and efficient solution possible.
Development of an action plan
At the end of our interview, we will be able to submit a complete survey proposal corresponding to your project. Depending on the problem encountered, the legal framework, your needs in evidence, we develop an intervention project integrating not only your objectives, the elements of strategy (programming, method, tactics), but also the human and material resources that will be implemented. At this time, the cost and duration of your project will be easily estimated, allowing you to project yourself with confidence.
Establishment of a mandate contract
In addition to the fact that it seals our collaboration on legal bases and specifies the conditions of performance and guarantees provided, the mandate contract allows us to intervene quickly and safely. This includes all the mandatory elements, such as the designation of the mission, its legal framework, the objectives and proposed means, its duration, its implementing rules, and the related financial elements. The signature of the mandate is mandatory and ensures legal security for both the client and the professional. It also justifies that you used a private detective agency to defend your interests. This can be very useful in the context of legal proceedings for a claim for reimbursement by the other party on the basis of Article 700 of the Code of Civil Procedure (irrevocable costs).
Step n°2: Operational phase
Preliminary investigation
The job of investigation leaves no room for improvisation. Most investigations begin with a phase called "preliminary investigation". It includes an administrative and cyber type preparatory survey (Osint), as well as a "recognition for action" procedure, integrating topographic, behavioural or environmental measures. Careful tracking is carried out as well as a collection of various information that will be aggregated in order to anticipate risks, difficulties, and to avoid any unforeseen harmful for the investigation and for our client. This preliminary investigation procedure is sometimes beneficial, especially in issues related to serious offences (trafficking, networks, delinquency, etc.) or when the protagonists or the context of the investigation present a proven risk likely to constitute a stumbling block.

Operational inquiry
This stage includes the operational phase itself. This is really the investigation as we imagine it.
During this deployment phase, we implement the strategy developed previously and carry out the planned investigations. These are of course a function of the «legal framework» (legal framework in fact, law and procedure), the regime of specific evidence applicable to the specific case that is submitted to the Cabinet, the problem of the client, the circumstances and the actual context of the mission. A problem of divorce or child custody will not require the same strategies or the same means as an investigation for unfair competition or a criminal offence.
Depending on the legal framework and the specificities of the mission, the private investigator may be required to carry out static or dynamic surveillance, surveillance (car, motorcycle or pedestrian), discreet findings, in situ verifications, all documentary or administrative searches, hearing of witnesses, digital or forensics searches, identification and location of persons, situational reconstitution, index(s), infiltration of group, flagrante delicto and arrest of common law, and, more generally, any acts, displacements and lawful procedures that are useful for the manifestation of the truth.
During the implementation phase, it is customary for PROCAP DETECTIVE to keep you regularly informed of the progress of your project. This is one of our contractual guarantees and one of our strong commitments. This monitoring goes as well through direct exchanges, as by the submission of progress reports as much as desired, these to allow you to locate yourself and especially to have the assurance of the progress of your investigation.
Step n°3: Restitution of the results

At the end of the investigation, a written report is given to the client, who may use it in court to assert a right or to defend an interest. The investigation report can thus be used to support a legal argument, defend an interest, in fact support claims or confirm assumptions on which the resolution of a dispute may depend. It also removes doubt, or bases an important decision on facts and evidence.
The «MISSION REPORT» is an official handwritten document dated, including the identification of its author (the detective or the agency in charge of the case, here the agency PROCAP DETECTIVE). It includes the recall of the facts, the purpose of the mission, the legal framework in fact, law and procedure, and detailed description of the actions carried out. The body of the Report shall generally include a summary of the results obtained, as well as a detailed and detailed account of the events to which the investigating officer personally assisted, and relate the facts and/or the relationship of facts which he directly and visually observed, as well as the documents and documents obtained in direct connection with the object of the mission entrusted to him.
Depending on the circumstances and the purpose of the mission, the Report may be entitled "INVESTIGATION REPORT", "CIRCUMSTANTIAL REPORT", "INVESTIGATION REPORT", "RESEARCH REPORT", "SYNTHESIS REPORT".
The "MISSION REPORT" is a "STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL" document, its consultation is not authorized by the unknown third parties. However, and with your permission, the report may be given to your Advisers (Lawyers) or to trusted persons, whom you will have, if necessary, duly designated beforehand.
It is customary, at the agency PROCAP DETECTIVE, that we comment the content of the report when we give it to our clients. On this occasion, we explain the context of implementation, the results obtained, the difficulties encountered, while putting these results in perspective with your problem. We can also, and it is highly recommended, comment on the contents of the Report directly to your lawyer, and discuss with him the highlights of the Report.
Business monitoring and post-intervention support
Submitting the Investigation Report and closing client files does not automatically mean the end of any collaboration. One of the strong commitments of the agency PROCAP DETECTIVE lies precisely in the follow-up and the accompaniment which wants to be of quality and especially personalized. This commitment lasts throughout our relationship, and continues even after the results are returned and investigation is closed. Because we have intervened on your case and acted to defend your interests, we attach great importance to the success of your procedure and remain very attentive to the outcome of your case and fully mobilized at your side. This follow-up may sometimes prove to be relevant in particular in the event of relaunches of investigations, adjustments, incidental checks, or additional requests.