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détective privé toulon - nos garanties - nos engagements - procap detective - preuve - loyauté - relation de confiance

Our commitments , Our Values

A relationship of trust , loyalty and transparency

By entrusting us with your business, you are trusting us, the loyalty that we owe you in return is absolute and expressly guaranteed by our quality conduct.


Since the creation of the PROCAP DETECTIVE agency, we have ensured our commitments and adhered to human and ethical values which serve as a spearhead in the realization of our profession: discretion, professionalism, loyalty and transparency towards our clients are our masters. words and the foundations of our action.

We attach crucial importance to the relationship of trust and transparency that we establish with our clients. We also believe that this relationship is also a success factor and is essential to the success of an investigation.


We consider the qualities of listening, responsiveness and availability as cardinal data and a guarantee of success. We guarantee their implementation at all stages of our intervention, and promise personalized monitoring and support at all times.


Finally, we always integrate the human dimension underlying each matter and guarantee in each of our missions the principles of respect, frankness and probity.

les engagements et les garanties de l'agence procap détective


Guarantee of confidentiality (professional secrecy)


Our profession brings us to know strictly confidential information and intimate and personal human adventures. This is why it is our duty to strictly preserve this confidentiality in accordance with articles 226-13, 226-14 of the Penal Code and article R631-9 of the Code of Ethics for natural or legal persons carrying out private security activities.


Our exchanges, written or verbal, as well as all information communicated or data collected, are STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL and protected by the most absolute professional secrecy. We ensure the security of your information through reinforced security measures, resources and protocols. Our obligation of confidentiality under professional secrecy continues even after the mandate expires. In carrying out our missions, we always act with total discretion in order to optimize the acquisition of the desired results and the smooth running of operations.

Guarantee of compliance with current regulations and professional ethics


By entrusting us with your investigation, you are assured that you are dealing with a duly approved private detective agency. Indeed, the PROCAP DETECTIVE agency guarantees its compliance with the provisions of Book VI - Title II of the Internal Security Code regulating the activity of private research agencies, as well as its full and unreserved adherence to the principles and provisions of the Code of ethics of natural and legal persons carrying out a private security activity.


As such, the PROCAP DETECTIVE agency has the “Authorization to operate” for the main establishment, and its manager individually benefits from the “Personal approval of the manager” as well as the “Professional card”.

Our approvals and CNAPS authorization:


MANAGER APPROVAL N°: AGD-083-2028-03-07-20230309637

ESTABLISHMENT AUTHORIZATION N°: AUT-083-2118-12-13-20190515925

PROFESSIONAL CARD N°: CAR-083-2027-08-05-20220309637

Guarantee of transparency and loyalty

Transparency constitutes one of the foundations of our action, if not the heart of our profession and the basis of mutual trust . As private law detectives , we are committed to a duty of transparency, loyalty and total dedication in all aspects of the relationship we maintain with our clients as well as in carrying out the missions entrusted to us. : terms of the contract, terms of execution, means and methods used, progress, difficulties encountered, results obtained, financial statements, etc. Whatever the situation, we provide you with all the answers to your questions, with clarity, frankness and transparency. The chances of success are clearly anticipated, the risks defined upstream of any intervention and the solutions concerted and presented. We also prohibit any proposal for a service or action that is illegal, disproportionate to your needs or contrary to your interests.

Respect of our commitments

We make respecting our commitments a cardinal point. Whatever the situation, we carry out our missions with “diligence”, “rigor” and “professionalism” , and implement all the means, methods, techniques, knowledge and postures inherent to our profession in order to achieve the objectives which we are entrusted.


Experienced in carrying out our investigations, we approach each mission with rigor and demonstrate energy, responsiveness and total involvement. And because time is an essential factor, we pay particular attention to meeting the deadlines and requirements of our clients.


For a quality result, all our reports undergo several filters and formal and material verifications (notably legal) in order to rule out any unagreed errors or clumsiness.

Proximity guarantee

PROCAP DETECTIVE is a local agency on a human scale. We give each matter the attention and energy it deserves. By entrusting us with your business, you are assured of dealing with a local agency, located in TOULON, and covering the area of the Var department and the PACA region, in which you can meet us physically at any time to discuss your situation. Our meetings are most often held in person, in an agency, but we can also come to your home, your company headquarters, or any other neutral location that suits you. The proximity guarantee ensures treatment in which priority is given to people and direct contact with your investigator.

Guarantee of advice, assistance, support and personalized follow-up 24/7 - 7 days a week

Listening to you, advising you and acting to enable you to make the best decisions, make the right strategic choices and defend your interests is a priority for us. In this regard, we undertake a duty of advice and assistance to our clients, at any time, on all subjects relating to their business, as well as in all matters over which we have jurisdiction. In all circumstances, we provide the explanations necessary for the understanding and assessment of the services and actions planned or in progress and ensure that our advice (legal, strategic, tactical) is relevant, clear, objective, completely personalized and adapted to the nature of the business entrusted to us. Because we aim for the success of our customers, we are committed to personalized follow-up, which we want to be of quality. Finally, we can also collaborate in full synergy with your agents and advisors (lawyers, notaries, bailiffs), and have the necessary skills and legal knowledge to do so.

agence procap detective toulon détective privé agréé enquêtes investigations surveillances

PROCAP DETECTIVE is here to meet you and study your project

Our responses are complete and detailed

All of our quotations are free

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