Hidden work
Private detective approved for investigation into hidden work by an employee
Undeclared work per employee
How PROCAP DETECTIVE can help you
We research and compile evidence of undeclared work per employee so that you can take legal action and effectively defend the interests of your company
Do you suspect that one of your employees is carrying out a hidden parallel activity and that you have a legitimate interest in demonstrating its reality? Several situations may require you to provide proof that your employee is working under the table:
Your employee is on sick leave and you pay him additional benefits, an annuity, but he takes advantage of this interruption to work on his own account or on behalf of a third party...
Your employee is bound by an exclusivity or non-competition clause but he does not respect it...
Your employee is often absent or shows repeated unavailability due to employment elsewhere...
Your employee argues a situation of unfitness that you consider unjustified…
Your employee is engaged in a competing activity….
Undeclared work, whether by concealment of activity or salaried employment, constitutes a fraud severely punished, both on the tax, social but also criminal level. It is also a fault contrary to the provisions of the Labour Code, justifying the dismissal of the offending employee.
In the corporate world, undeclared work by an employee raises many problems. These are organizational (replacement problems, demotivation of employees, stressful management of resources, disintegration of relationships in the company, absenteeism); legal (increase in risk-litigation), but also and especially financial (payment of undue compensation, increase in employer contributions, loss of turnover, exposure to unfair competition, etc.).
Whether in the context of a labour, social or criminal proceedings, a company that suspects an employee of carrying out a hidden parallel activity has every interest in denouncing this situation and proving it.
Le cabinet PROCAP DETECTIVE accompagne les chefs d'entreprises dans la résolution de leurs contentieux. Nos process d'investigations, réalisés en assurant une totale discrétion ainsi qu'un respect stricte de la loi, vous permettent de mettre à jour les pratiques abusives de votre salarié, de confirmer ou d'infirmer vos présomptions concernant un travail au noir, et le cas échéant vous apporter les éléments matériels probant qui vous permettent de faire valoir vos droits et défendre les intérêts de votre structure. Nos rapports sont précis, détaillés et circonstanciés.
We can thus be led to:
Check the employee’s schedule and activities;
Collect evidence of violation of exit restrictions;
Research whether there is a need for a concealed activity, and report its nature and objective characteristics
Organize, through discreet preparatory surveillance measures, the intervention of a commissioner of justice (bailiff)
Objectively detect any ruse or simulation maneuvers (for example: unwarranted wearing of braces, exaggeration, handicap simulation, etc.)
Provision of evidence for a preliminary request (Art. 145 of the Code of Civil Procedure)
Our legal expertise allows us to collaborate in full synergy with your lawyers, for optimal success and a guaranteed result in a disciplinary or litigation procedure.