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détective privé pour vérification de cv

CV verification

Licensed private investigator for CV verification

CV verification

How PROCAP DETECTIVE can help you

Do you suspect an employee or collaborator of producing a misleading CV, or simply wish to verify the reality of the elements contained? The PROCAP DETECTIVE firm is competent to carry out all research for CV verification purposes. Our investigations are in-depth and cover both the titles of diplomas or experiences, as well as the reality of their obtaining.

Essential during any process of accessing employment, the CV has become the subject of numerous flaws in recent years, ranging from fanciful embellishment to unscrupulous deception. If embellishing one's CV (in substance and form) can be accepted in certain contexts, lying on a CV remains a reprehensible practice for everyone, because it is contrary to the spirit of loyalty which must animate the working and social relationship within of the company, as well as an act that could have harmful consequences, particularly for positions with specific skills or for regulated professions.

The legal consequences of a false CV are often the cancellation of the employment contract for willful misconduct, dismissal for real and serious cause, and finally criminal sanctions for forgery and use of forgery, particularly when the activity carried out requires compulsory specific diplomas or certifications. .

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PROCAP DETECTIVE agency - SIRET number: 789 171 337 00056 - Agency headquarters: 9 Boulevard de Strasbourg – 83000 – TOULON - GSM:

Email: - APE/NAF code: 8030Z Investigation activity - RCPro: 980001174867P30 - CNAPS authorization: AUT-083-2118-12-13-20190515925 - Intracommunity VAT: FR 06789171337

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