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détective privé pour enquête sur recel successoral et captation d'héritage

Estate concealment & Inheritance capture

Approved private investigator for investigation into estate concealment and inheritance capture

Inheritance Recel & Inheritance Capture

How PROCAP DETECTIVE can help you

We seek and establish proof of Inheritance Receipt and Inheritance Capture, so that you can act in justice and effectively safeguard your interests

Do you suspect a co-heir of inheritance? Do you believe that part of the estate assets were stolen or fraudulently diverted? The agency PROCAP DETECTIVE is competent to help you in the preparation of material evidence of receipt or collection of inheritance.


The inheritance recel refers to a situation where an heir conceals, retains, diverts or squanders property belonging to the estate of a deceased person, with the aim of improperly appropriating such property and depriving other legitimate heirs of it. The inheritance is a real breach of the principle of equality before inheritance. The civil code heavily sanctions the heir who would hide the existence of part of the estate assets. Article 778 of the Civil Code provides: "The inheritance is the act by which a successor, by fraudulent practices, withholds, conceals or dispels all or part of a succession or a reportable gift, in order to appropriate it."


Inheritance capture (or misappropriation) describes another situation, in which the inheritance is misappropriated by a third party (friend, relative, neighbor, proxy, etc.) to the detriment of legitimate inheritors. As with the inheritance recel, inheritance capture is obtained through fraudulent schemes in order to appropriate some or all of the estate’s assets.


Inheritance capture can occur in different ways, such as abuse of weakness, psychological manipulation, intimidation or coercion of the testator to influence his inheritance decisions (fraud, fraud or manipulation of a will, disguised gift, designation of a universal heir, modification of a will, misappropriation of cash, or personal property).


In the context of an action for the prevention or reparation of damage related to a fence or an inheritance capture, the use of a licensed private detective can be of great use for the purpose of safeguarding the interests of the heirs.


As private law investigators, we can thus be led to:

  • Locate and locate assets diverted for reintegration into the estate (vehicles, jewellery, artwork, etc.);

  • Disclose any underlying fraudulent schemes (abuse of weakness, manipulation, scam, intimidation, etc.);

  • Identify elements of personal participation

  • Evidence Gathering

  • In situ verification and inventory

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  • Facebook / procap detective
  • Instagram / procap detective
  • LinkedIn / procap detective
  • Twitter / procap detective

PROCAP DETECTIVE agency - SIRET number: 789 171 337 00056 - Agency headquarters: 9 Boulevard de Strasbourg – 83000 – TOULON - GSM:

Email: - APE/NAF code: 8030Z Investigation activity - RCPro: 980001174867P30 - CNAPS authorization: AUT-083-2118-12-13-20190515925 - Intracommunity VAT: FR 06789171337

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