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détective privé pour enquête de probité

Probity investigation

Private detective approved for probity investigation

Probity investigation

How PROCAP DETECTIVE can help you

We seek evidence and verify a person's level of integrity to enable you to make the right decisions and make informed commitments.

Do you have doubts about the sincerity of someone in your family, friends or professional circle? Do you suspect someone of manipulation or fear being deceived? The morality investigation, generally speaking, aims to determine whether a person is trustworthy or not as well as their degree of probity. To this end, the surveys we carry out aim to verify all or part of the elements which raise questions in you.


Depending on your problem, we may be required to verify the real identity of the person concerned, their criminal record, their entourage, their professional background, their personal and financial situation, as well as any information that you deem useful to know in order to make the right decisions.

Find all our news on social networks

  • Facebook / procap detective
  • Instagram / procap detective
  • LinkedIn / procap detective
  • Twitter / procap detective

PROCAP DETECTIVE agency - SIRET number: 789 171 337 00056 - Agency headquarters: 9 Boulevard de Strasbourg – 83000 – TOULON - GSM:

Email: - APE/NAF code: 8030Z Investigation activity - RCPro: 980001174867P30 - CNAPS authorization: AUT-083-2118-12-13-20190515925 - Intracommunity VAT: FR 06789171337

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