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Image de Roelf Bruinsma

Since 2012

Your licensed private detective agency


Toulon Var & PACA Region

Defend your interests with PROCAP DETECTIVE

Your approved private detective agency - Since 2012

Do you want to gather evidence to initiate or complete a legal action, remove a doubt or base a decision on evidence? PROCAP DETECTIVE offers its expertise and know-how in the field of investigation, and is committed to providing you with the best solutions for the resolution of your case.

Since 2012, we have set the interests of our clients at the heart of our objectives, and ensure a survey service that meets the highest standards of quality and efficiency.


With a great reactivity on the department of Var and the PACA region, the agency PROCAP DETECTIVE is competent to intervene in any situation or dispute that may affect the personal, professional or patrimonial sphere.

In accordance with current regulations, the PROCAP DETECTIVE agency is licensed by the National Council for Private Security Activities.


Our investigation solutions are complete, always adapted to the legal context of your case, and above all, resolutely focused on efficiency and the defense of your interests. Our interventions are covered by professional secrecy and are the subject of a precise and detailed report, usable in court as a procedural document in support of your action.

agence procap detective toulon détective privé agréé enquêtes investigations surveillances

PROCAP DETECTIVE is available to meet you and study your situation

Our responses are complete and detailed

All of our quotations are free

Areas of expertise

Confidential investigations - Constitution of evidence - Surveillance and Tracking

PROCAP DETECTIVE has skills covering a wide spectrum of situations, legal qualifications or disputes: family law, industrial tribunal disputes, criminal cases, commercial or business disputes.

Whatever your situation, we ensure absolute discretion in carrying out our investigations, and develop effective strategic responses, entirely adapted to your needs and meeting your challenges.

Our missions meet specific objectives: Efficiency, Defense of your exclusive interests, Success & Valuation.

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Our approvals

Procap Detective - Our approvals

In accordance with the provisions of the Internal Security Code, regulating the activities of private law detective-investigator agencies, the PROCAP DETECTIVE agency has the mandatory certifications:

Establishment authorization: AUT-083-2118-12-13-20190515925

Approval of the manager: AGD-083-2028-03-07-20230309637

Professional card: CAR-083- 2027-08-05-20220309637

Our values

Know-how and commitments to defend your interests

Because our profession leads us to evolve in the sensitive field of intelligence, we adhere to human, professional and ethical values which serve as a spearhead in the realization of our profession and constitute a guarantee of seriousness and commitment towards to our customers

Image de Rica Naypa


Image de Bram Naus


Image de Alexey Malakhov


Image de Tingey Injury Law Firm

Legal reports

agence procap detective toulon détective privé agréé enquêtes investigations surveillances filature preuves rapport justice détective privé toulon var paca

Contact us

Would you like a personalized study or an appointment? You can contact us directly on our line at or write to us via the contact form.


We are here to meet you and study your project. Our responses are complete and detailed. All of our quotations are free. Payment facilities up to 4 times without fees.

The PROCAP DETECTIVE agency is located 9 Boulevard de Strasbourg - 83000 TOULON (Building "Le Paris-France")

Contact form

You are:
What would you like?
Your level of need
Would you like to be called back?

Thank you for sending! Your request will be processed as soon as possible. You will soon receive a confirmation email.

The information collected through this form is subject to computer processing intended to manage your request (identification of the requester, legal eligibility, material feasibility, purpose of the request, cost estimate). The exclusive recipient of this data is the director of the PROCAP DETECTIVE agency, Mr. Allal GUERROUMI, CNAPS approved investigator, subject to professional secrecy (art. 226-13 of the Penal Code). In accordance with the “Informatique et Libertés” law of January 6, 1978 and Regulation No. 2016/679/EU, known as the general data protection regulation (GDPR), of April 27, 2016, you benefit from a right of access, rectification, portability and deletion of information concerning you, which you can exercise by contacting:

To find out how we manage personal data on the form, please refer to the General Conditions of Use & Confidentiality and Data Protection Policy .

Find all our news on social networks

  • Facebook / procap detective
  • Instagram / procap detective
  • LinkedIn / procap detective
  • Twitter / procap detective

PROCAP DETECTIVE agency - SIRET number: 789 171 337 00056 - Agency headquarters: 9 Boulevard de Strasbourg – 83000 – TOULON - GSM:

Email: - APE/NAF code: 8030Z Investigation activity - RCPro: 980001174867P30 - CNAPS authorization: AUT-083-2118-12-13-20190515925 - Intracommunity VAT: FR 06789171337

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